Students Know We Care
Pam Anglin, President, Paris Junior College (TX)
If Your Dreams Don’t Scare You, They’re Not Big Enough
Marcia Ballenger, President, Lorain County Community College (OH)
Becoming Student Ready
Andy Dorsey, President, Front Range Community College (CO)
Blueprint for Success
Diana Doyle, President, Arapahoe Community College (CO)
The Pathway to a New Advising Model
John Enamait, President, Stanly Community College (NC)
Nibbling Around the Edge of Success
James Houpis, President, Modesto Junior College (CA)
Heroic Leaders for Change
Davis Jenkins, Research Scholar, Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University
Thriving in an Evolving World
Michele Johnson, Chancellor, Pierce College District (WA)
Doing Work Differently
Rob Johnstone, Founder & President, National Center for Inquiry & Improvement
Success Matters
Toni Pendergrass, President, San Juan College (NM)
Soar Higher
Jeff Rafn, President, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (WI)
I Can Do This, Please Show Me How
Linda Rose, President, Santa Ana College (CA)
Making General Education Meaningful
Joe Schaffer, President, Laramie County Community College (WY)
Supporting Success for High Risk Students
Bill Scroggins, President & CEO, Mt. San Antonio College (CA)