Voices of Pathways is a five-part documentary film series about colleges in the process of implementing guided pathways. Filmed at five community colleges in different regions of the country, the series shows transformational change from the perspectives of faculty and staff members undertaking the day-to-day work as well as the students these efforts aim to serve.
Practitioners at community colleges are benefiting from a growing body of research and resources related to pathways. By telling the stories of faculty, staff, and students, the Voices films offer a different way to look at pathways — and to introduce conversations about how to engage in this critical work.
The Voices of Pathways films do not aim to show the “right” or “best” way to implement pathways. They show five colleges’ approaches to this complex work. They aim to show what is possible, provide insights, and encourage the courageous conversations that lead to improvement.
Discussion Guide
This discussion guide provides a starting point for conversations about the films and how pathways can address specific needs at your college or in your community.